Livestreaming from Yaatly

Yaatly doesn't support native livestreaming, but there are a number of options available if you'd like to live stream your competition rooms to a site outside of Yaatly.

Regardless of which you choose, you'll need to rely on a participant in the room to livestream what's on the screen. This could be one of the judges or someone you ask to enter the room as an observer specifically to livestream the round. An individual solely responsible for livestreaming will probably be more successful, as they won't be distracted by their judging responsibilities.

Free generic streaming options

We recommend two different means of livestreaming.

Open Broadcast Studio

The Open Broadcast Studio is a open-source software downloadable from the OBS website. OBS is feature-rich and creates output that may be streamed to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and nearly any other platform that broadcasts streams. OBS works well with the Open Streaming Platform as an alternative to other, more restrictive, streaming sites.

The major disadvantage to OBS is the degree of technical proficiency required to operate the system. While that obstacle is not insurmountable, it does require some careful consideration and planning.


Streamyard is a simple, web-based solution that's significantly more user-friendly than OBS. Like OBS, Streamyard can send output to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and other video streaming platforms.

Creating an account is free and while significant streaming will require a paid subscription, there are free options that likely are adequate for a few rounds from a single event (particularly if you have multiple people tasked with streaming various rounds).

Livestreaming via Facebook

First, choose "Live Video" from the page on which you want to stream.

This will take you to Facebook's Live Producer. From Live Producer, choose "Use Camera."

With "Use Camera" selected, you'll see an option to Share Screen.

For the next step, you must have Yaatly open and be in the room of the debate you want to stream. You can enter the debate room as an Observer.

When you select "Share Screen" from Live Producer, you'll be given the option to choose what you'd like to share. You should select "Tab" and then choose the tab in which you're accessing Yaatly.

You should now see confirmation that your Yaatly tab is being shared to Facebook. Once confirmed, you can press "Go Live" to send the stream to your Facebook page!

Last updated